Reviews Of Polarizer Filters.

Despite using a polarizing filter has many benefits that outweigh the disadvantages, there are several difficulties in using a polarizing filter. Most problems can be avoided with a little knowledge.

The first thing one needs to know about a polarizing filter is that there are 2 different types. One is the linear polarization filter and the other is the circular polarizer filter. A circular or a linear filter will do the same thing for your images, enhance them. For comparison, the circular filter is more expensive and the linear filter may not be the best option for most cameras that use auto focus.

A linear filter often ruin the performance of auto focus, the camera is not capable of transforming information from the filter correctly. A circular polarizing filter has added a layer that encodes the filtered light from the polarizer and the camera can read the information more clearly.

The extra layer in the circular filter is the main reason for the move is more expensive. But as you can see it is often worth the extra expense. Also, be sure to buy a filter that there is no color in the filter. Some filters come with an odd cast, green or yellow, make sure your filter has only a neutral gray cast.

Another problem identified with polarizing filters is to use wide angle lens (28 mm or larger). A wide-angle lens can see the edge of the filter, causing a darkening at the edges of the image. In addition, the sky may become unevenly polarized as the polarization varies with the angle of the sun and a wide-angle lens covers a wider area of the sky.

Even with some difficulties, the results obtained with a circular polarizing filter is definitely worth the price of the filter. Using a polarizing filter will take your images to a new level.

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